Created January 1st, 2014, Panama West is the 10th province of the country.
Its capital is La Chorrera. The province is between the Colon province and the Pacific ocean.
Population is 510,489 ( 2019)

This province has a protected area called Park of Altos de Campana of 4,925 Hectars. It has been the very first park of the Republic as it was founded in 1966. The highest point rises at 1,300 meters.

Along its coasts, one can discover nice beaches as: Punta Chame, Gorgona, Malibú, Coronado, San Carlos, Río Mar between others. Malibú beach is great for surfing, Punta Chame perfect for kite surfing.

Agriculture, farming and fishing are the 3 major activites of Panama West. La Chorrera is famous for its pineapple: really the best one on the planet!

On the Panamerican highway, one must stop at Quesos Chela to taste the cow milk cheese but also local specilities.

Unusual tradition of this area: the exhibition of scarecrow representing figures along the road, in December.