The capital of the province of Chiriqui is DAVID: the thrid biggest town of the country. The other cities are Volcan and Cerro Punta.

Chiriquí has a large variety of climates: from the hot and humid lowlands to the cool highlands where the coffee plantaions but also strawberries and oranges grow.

The highlands are great volcanic soils.

The highest montain of the country, Volcan Baru, raises at 11,400 feet is loacted in Chiriqui betwen Boquete and Volcan.

Chiriqui offers a rich wild life where one can see the famous Quetzal an emblematic colored bird unfortunatly in extension. There are more Quetzal in Panama than any other countries.

The province is also the land of the Ngöbe-Bugle, the second indigenous group in the country after the Gunas from San Blas. They mostly work in the coffee plantations.

Chriqui is a province for the one in love of nature, trecking, native encounters and coffee amateurs.

Note also the rafting and canopy in Boquete.

Chiriqui the place for nature lovers !