The geographic center of the Panama republic is located in the province of Cocle.
The capital of this province is Penonomé. Cocle is 4.927 km² and 228.676 souls live there. (2010)
Coclé is a paradise province with close encounters with wild life and tropical forests.

Also rich in culture, Cocle offers both hot weather on the Pacific coats and cold one in montains like in El Valle.

Great spots :
The archeologic site of ¨El Caño¨ in the Natá area.

Anton valley is very popular (many people decide to retire there) because of the cool climate and the proximity from Panama City (about 80 minutes).
The pacific beaches of Santa Clara, Farallon and Rio hato are just 30 mn from el Valle. The Aguadulce salinas, the Penonomé Museum and the balneary of Las Mendozas on the Zarati river (where the aquatic carnaval happens) are also famous.

La Pintada de Penonomé is THE place of confection of the famous Panama hat. It’s a white hat with black lines that seems to be painted: that’s why they are called painted hats (¨Sombrero Pintao¨). The nicest pieces are made betwen 1 to 2 months. There is an annual contest of the hat.